Sunday, March 30, 2008

just saying something

I've had the day off. It's been pretty quiet. I feel good now. I wanted to post something when I have nothing going on in my head. I'm not obsessing,or worried,or even excited about something. I'm just kinda of floating around feeling content. Last night I was thinking about two friends of mine that decided to go to the Roseland Club" for "the Black Party" it's a gay event. Lot's of sex on stage and off.My friends are a couple. I don't believe a couple can go to such an event. Too much temptation. It gets very crowded. Thousands of gay men. You can't get to the bathroom. Sex everywhere. If you have any insecureties about your relationship. I suggest you don't go to the Black Party. One of the men of this couple I speak of, is very whoreish. The other does not know. He will find out. Can he handle it when he sees his lover engaged in the kind of things he may not be able deal with.They made a deal. Only kissing. Yhea right. Keep dreaming. I don't think they'll break up. But it's going to hurt to see reality. When your partner is actually fucking a stranger. Or Blowing. The point is "you asked for it". I say again, I personally would not go there with a "lover" too much temptation. That I know I might fall into. It would bother me if I witnessed my partner doing it with some hot guy. I hope they're o.k. I have'nt heard from them yet. But as of this point I'm feeling real nice. Later for now

Friday, March 21, 2008

Moving on

I'm letting go of old habits.Falling into other peoples dysfunction.It happens very easily. You see or hear something going on. You react. You join in the fray. Then it becomes your dysfunction. Like it or not. Somebody will tag you with some words you never said or you're misquoted. You defend. Now your involved. Deep. I am not going down that road. It's too easy. Now I'll say "think what you want". I turn walk away. I don't let myself get sucked in by the drama. I wont even be a spectator. It's much more freeing, being around peace. Goodbye to the "pit of snakes" of other people's dysfunction. Hello to comfort zones,and happiness.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Second Post on First Day.

This is just a blog to ramble on.About past,present.Thoughts what I think. Like That Obaba is only six days older then me. I cant vote for some one who is my age. He graduated high school the same year as me. People my age are too young to be Pres. You should be like 60. But I'll get used to it. Even though I voted for Hillary in the primaries. I think Obama will get the nomination. This is all new. It's a learning expierence. We'll see how it goes. Later.

Checking in

Rainey morning,warm cup of coffee.Charging my i pod. Just a note as I set off out to work.